Former Principle's

Leadership & Management Team

Bro. Santosh,

Bro. Jimmy
Financial Advisor & Class 10 Coordinator

Bro. Justin Academic
Coordinator Classes 6&7

Bro. C.J. Thomas
Faculty of Phonetics

Mr. K.B.R. Prasad
School Cordinator

Ms. Rama Devi
School Coordinator 2019-20

Ms. Achamma Academic Coordinator Class 1

Ms. Karuna Sri Academic Coordinator Classes 2&3

Ms. Jhansi Lakshmi Academic Coordinator Classes 4&5

Ms. Meher Shanthi Academic Coordinator Class 8

Ms. Meher Shanthi Academic Coordinator Class 8
List Of Staff
Sno | Name of the Staff Member | Designation | Date of Birth | Qualification | Date of Appointment | Type of Appointment |
1 | Br. Santosh Kumar | Principal | M.A.M.Ed | Permanent | ||
2 | Br. Jimmy Kuriakose | T G T | 26-03-1964 | B.A.B.Ed | 1/6/2005 | Permanent |
3 | Br. Santosh Kumar | TGT / VP | 30-03-1974 | M.A. M.Ed | 6/6/2015 | Permanent |
4 | Ms. Jacqueline Moreyra | S.G.T. | 1/10/1960 | Sec Gr Tr Trg | 6/6/1983 | Permanent |
5 | Ms. N. Anne Mathew | T.G.T. | 30-04-1964 | MA. M.Ed | 2/6/1986 | Permanent |
6 | Mr. T.V. Ramana Murthy | T G T / TPDT. | 6/12/1960 | BashaPrav | 27-07-1987 | Permanent |
7 | Mrs. MeherShanthi A | T.G.T | 16-12-1962 | B.Sc.B.Ed | 11/6/1988 | Permanent |
8 | Mr. K.S.N. Ramanujulu | T G T / TPDT | 17-06-1961 | MA TPT | 14-09-1988 | Permanent |
9 | Mr. Thomas Reddy Y | T.G.T | 8/6/1964 | M.A. BEd | 12/6/1989 | Permanent |
10 | Mrs. K. Vijaya | P.E.T. | 5/7/1964 | Inter+UGPET | 15-06-1989 | Permanent |
11 | Mrs. G. Jhansi Lakshmi | S.G.T | 10/8/1961 | B.A BEd | 15-06-1992 | Permanent |
12 | Mr. M. Muralidhar | Computer Instr. | 17-02-1963 | B.Sc PGDCA | 15-06-1992 | Permanent |
13 | Mrs. K. Pauline | S.G.T. | 14-01-1966 | MA SGTrg | 15-06-1992 | Permanent |
14 | Mrs. Poppy Stephens | T.G.T | 27-06-1963 | BA. SGTr Tg | 14-06-1993 | Permanent |
15 | Mr. R. Ram Babu | GR. –I P.E.T. | 1/5/1971 | BSc BPEd | 12/6/1996 | Permanent |
16 | Mrs. K. Sridevi | T.G.T | 21-01-1974 | B.Sc.BEd | 12/6/1998 | Permanent |
17 | Mrs. T.A. Achamma | S.G.T | 6/12/1966 | S.G.TrTrg | 12/6/1998 | Permanent |
18 | Mrs. K.S.N. Malleswari | T.G.T | 6/4/1971 | M.Sc.BEd | 14-06-1999 | Permanent |
19 | Md. Ferooz | TG T / HPDT | 8/6/1972 | M.A. HPT | 12/6/2000 | Permanent |
20 | Mrs. G. Rajeswari | T.G.T. | 6/1/1974 | B.ScBEd | 3/7/2002 | Permanent |
21 | Ms. Annetta Sequeira | S.G.T | 6/12/1983 | S.G.TrTrg | 12/6/2002 | Permanent |
22 | Mr. G. Uday Kumar | SGT / Dance | 1/3/1974 | Dip Dance | 17-06-2003 | Permanent |
23 | Mrs. P. UshaKumari | S.G.T | 29-04-1974 | B.Sc.B.Ed | 12/6/2003 | Permanent |
24 | Mr. Y. Vamseekar | Computer Instr | 27-10-1980 | BSc PGDCA | 12/6/2003 | Permanent |
25 | Mrs D. Ramadevi | T G T / TPT | 25-05-1967 | T.PdtTrg | 12/6/2004 | Permanent |
26 | Mr. D. Srinivasa Rao | S G T Drawing | 15-06-1977 | Dip in Drg | 13-06-2005 | Permanent |
27 | Mrs. V. KarunaSree | Computer Instr. | 22-10-1969 | Ply tech.Engg | 13-06-2005 | Permanent |
28 | Mrs. D. Anasuya | T.G.T | 27-08-1981 | B.ScB.Ed | 12/6/2006 | Permanent |
29 | Mrs. M. Gayathri | T.G.T | 16-09-1977 | B.A B.Ed | 12/6/2007 | Permanent |
30 | Mr. K.B.R. Prasad | T.G.T | 4/6/1976 | M.Sc.B.Ed | 12/7/2007 | Permanent |
31 | Mr. K. Chandra Sekhar | T.G.T | 23-08-1978 | B.Sc. BEd | 12/6/2007 | Permanent |
32 | Mrs. T. Mary Rose | T.G.T | 30-07-1966 | B.A.B.Ed. | 12/6/2007 | Permanent |
33 | Mrs. P. VijayaKumari | S.G.T | 7/8/1980 | B.ScB.Ed | 12/6/2007 | Permanent |
34 | Ms. P. AshaJyothi | S G T / HPT | 2/5/1983 | BA HPT | 12/6/2007 | Permanent |
35 | Mrs. G. Shoba Reddy | S.G.T. | 11/5/1976 | BA SGTrg | 12/6/2007 | Permanent |
36 | Ms. V. Sudha | S.G.T. | 24-04-1984 | B.ScB.Ed | 1/7/2008 | Permanent |
37 | Ms. T Nicky Jivita | S.G.T. | 8/3/1988 | Inter SGTrTg | 1/7/2008 | Permanent |
38 | Mr. K. Subba Rao | T G T/ T. Pt. | 31-10-1977 | MA TPT | 12/6/2009 | Permanent |
39 | Mrs. T. Yekambari | S.G.T. | 12/2/1980 | BA SGTrg | 12/6/2009 | Permanent |
40 | Mrs. K.V. Mrudula | S.G.T. | 17-06-1978 | BA SGTrg | 14-06-2010 | Permanent |
41 | Mrs. P. Vijaya | S.G.T | 16-07-1974 | M.A.B.Ed. | 14-06-2010 | Permanent |
42 | Sr. BimlaBarla | S G T | 7/8/1976 | B.A TrTrg | 13-06-2011 | Permanent |
43 | Ms. K.M. Prathiba Rani | S.G.T | 1/2/1984 | M.A.B.Ed. | 13-06-2011 | Permanent |
44 | Mrs. B. Lakshmi | S.G.T. | 19-05-1984 | MSc.B.Ed. | 13-06-2011 | Permanent |
45 | Mr. Tirupathi Reddy | S G T / T.Pdt. | 24-07-1987 | BA TPT | 13-06-2011 | Permanent |
46 | Mrs. Rose Mary Gold | S G T / T.Pdt. | 3/6/1973 | BA TPT | 13-06-2011 | Permanent |
47 | Mrs. T. Mayuri | T G T / HinPdt | 2/8/1978 | MA HPT | 1/7/2012 | Permanent |
48 | Mrs.Sherina Grace | S.G.T. | 31-07-1977 | MSc.B.Ed. | 1/7/2012 | Permanent |
49 | Mrs. P. Sri Lakshmi | T.G.T. | 16-04-1975 | MSc. BEd | 1/7/2012 | Permanent |
50 | Mr. JVV Satyanarayana | S G T | 10/4/1972 | B.Sc B.Ed. | 1/7/2012 | Permanent |
51 | Mr. G.M. Stephen | T.G.T. | 1/3/1972 | MSc BEd | 1/9/2013 | Permanent |
52 | Mr. D. VeeraRaghavaiah | T.G.T. | 5/4/1986 | BSc BEd | 5/6/2013 | Permanent |
53 | Ms. P. Radha Rani | T.G.T. | 30-08-1985 | BSc BEd | 5/6/2013 | Permanent |
54 | Mr. MuraliVasu D | T.G.T. | 17-06-1972 | B.A.B.Ed. | 1/7/2014 | Permanent |
55 | Mrs. Tulasi Lakshmi P | T.G.T. | 5/2/1984 | M.Sc.B.Ed | 7/6/2014 | Permanent |
56 | Mrs Heather Carmel Meyer | S.G.T. | 12/7/1973 | Sec Gr Tr Trg | 7/6/2014 | Permanent |
57 | Ms. GeethaGunturu | T.G.T. | 12/7/1977 | B.A.B.Ed. | 7/6/2014 | Permanent |
58 | Mrs. S. RajeswariYarram | T.G.T | 6/7/1972 | MA BHScBEd | 6/6/2015 | Permanent |
59 | Mrs Gwendiline Evans | S.G.T. | 20-08-1991 | Sec Gr Tr Trg | 6/6/2015 | Permanent |
60 | Mr. Madanu Anthony | T.G.T. | 15-07-1964 | B.A. B.Ed. | 6/6/2015 | Permanent |
61 | Mrs.A. Subhashini | S.G.T. | 10/7/1972 | BComBEd | 6/6/2015 | Probation |
62 | Mrs. B. Sumalatha | T.G.T | 26-07-1978 | BA Hpt | 6/6/2015 | Probation |
63 | Mrs. M. Prathima | S.G.T | 2/8/1985 | BCom MA B.Ed. | 6/6/2015 | Permanent |
64 | Mrs. P. Sireesha | S.G.T. | 5/6/1982 | B.Sc.B.Ed. | 1/6/2016 | Permanent |
65 | Ms. K Kalpana | T.G.T | 9/6/1986 | B.A.,B.Ed. | 1/6/2016 | Permanent |
66 | Ms. R NirmalaKumari | SGT Music Tr. | 15-01-1987 | M.Sc. Dip in K Music | 1/6/2016 | Probation |
67 | Mr. P. Sreenivasa Rao | T.G.T. | 23-07-1979 | M.Sc.B.Ed | 1/6/2016 | Probation |
68 | Mrs. R. Swapna | S.G.T | 16-09-1980 | BCA B.Ed | 1/6/2016 | Permanent |
69 | Mrs. T. Krishna Veni | S.G.T. | 22-08-1978 | M.Sc.B.Ed | 1/6/2016 | Permanent |
70 | Ms. P. Naga Jyothi | S.G.T. | 25-04-1976 | M.A.B.Ed. | 1/6/2016 | Permanent |
71 | Mrs. K.V. Adi Lakshmi | S.G.T. | 28-09-1979 | B.Sc.B.Ed. | 1/6/2016 | Permanent |
72 | Mr. B Praveen Pal | T.G.T. | 19-11-1984 | M.Sc.B.Ed | 1/6/2016 | Probation |
73 | Mrs. G. Easwari | T.G.T. | 11/6/1981 | B.Sc.B.Ed. | 1/6/2016 | Probation |
74 | Mrs. K. Vani | S.G.T. | 1/6/1975 | M.A.B.Ed. | 1/6/2016 | Probation |
75 | Mr. Mohan Rao A | S.G.T. | 10/7/1983 | B.Sc.B.Ed. | 1/6/2017 | Probation |
76 | Mr. S. Rajesh | S.G.T. | 11/8/1983 | M.Sc.B.Ed. | 1/6/2017 | Contract |
77 | Ms.. R. Sara Kumari | S.G.T. | 23-06-1986 | M.Sc.B.Ed. | 1/6/2017 | Contract |
78 | Sk. Aayeesha | Gr. II HPdt. | 25-01-1987 | B.A. Basha Praveena | 1/6/2017 | Contract |
79 | Ms. D. Priyanka | S.G.T. | 7/3/1989 | B.A.B.Ed. | 1/6/2017 | Contract |
80 | Ms. K. Samatha | S.G.T. | 25-02-1988 | M.Sc.B.Ed. | 1/6/2017 | Contract |
81 | Mr. Jananjana Raju | P.E.T. | 1/5/1984 | B.ComBPEd | 1/6/2017 | Contract |
82 | Ms. P. Vijaya Lakshmi | S.G.T. | 31-01-1973 | M.A.B.Ed. | 1/6/2017 | Contract |
83 | Ms. P. Mounica | Computer Instr | 22-01-1996 | B.Sc. Compt | 1/6/2017 | Contract |
84 | Ms. Ch. Hemalatha | K.G. Teacher | 5/8/1987 | B.Com Monte Trg | 19-06-2017 | Contract |
85 | Mr. M. Siva Kumar | Comp Instr | 8/12/1984 | M.Tech | 10/6/2017 | Contract |
86 | Sr. Anthony Mary S | S.G.T | 24/02/1970 | B.A. B.Ed | 1/6/2018 | Contract |
87 | Ms. B Sushma Naidu | S.G.T | 14/08/1984 | B.A.B.Ed | 1/6/2018 | Contract |
88 | Ms. Ramya Repakula | T.G.T | 17/06/1988 | M.A B.Ed | 1/6/2018 | Contract |
89 | Mr. B Narendra Kumar | T.G.T | 12/10/1974 | M.Sc.B.Ed. | 1/6/2018 | Contract |
90 | Ms. Laxmi Pravallika | S.G.T | 26/03/1990 | M.Sc. B.Ed. | 1/6/2018 | Contract |
91 | Ms. G. Sesharatnam | S.G.T | 1/1/1976 | PG | 1/6/2018 | Contract |
92 | Ms. Reshma | S.G.T | 12/5/1987 | PG | 1/6/2018 | Contract |
93 | Ms. Angelus Elizabeth | S.G.T | 19/11/1987 | MA B.Ed. | 1/6/2019 | Contract |
94 | Mr. V. Subba Rao | S.G.T | 24/12/1984 | M.A B.Ed. | 1/6/2019 | Contract |
95 | Ms. Rajya Lakshmi | S.G.T | 12/8/1990 | M.Sc. | 1/6/2019 | Contract |
96 | Mr. Sk. Khader Vali | S.G.T | 1/6/2019 | Contract | ||
97 | Sr. Vilma Noronha | S.G.T | 14/03/1994 | D.El.Ed | 1/6/2019 | Contract |
98 | Ms. Deepthi Bhavana | S.G.T | 4/8/1997 | BA D.Ed | 1/6/2019 | Contract |
99 | Ms. D. Rama Devi | Counselor | 24/08/1977 | PG | 1/6/2019 | Contract |
100 | Manda Joel | S.G.T | 15/03/1993 | MBA | 1/6/2019 | Contract |
101 | Ms. A. Supriya | S.G.T | 25/08/1985 | M.Sc. | 1/6/2019 | Contract |