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Massimo is a member of the Sicilian mafia family and Laura’s sales director. He did not think that on his way to Sicily to save his relationship, Massimo tried to abduct him and gave him 365 days to fall in love with him.
Barbara Bialowas, Tomasz Mandes Author:
Tomasz Klimala (manuscript), Tomasz Mandes (manuscript) Massimo Torricelli, the young and beautiful boss of the Sicilian mafia family, had no choice but to accept him after his father’s murder. Laura is the sales director of a luxury hotel in Warsaw. He had a successful career, but his personal life was not interested in it. He made the last shot to save his relationship. He traveled to Sicily with his skeletal boy Martin and several other friends. He doesn’t think Massimo, the island’s most dangerous man, would stop, abduct, arrest him and give him 365 days – to fall in love with him. Spy 2015.720p
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